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Carrot Root Fly Nematodes

Carrot Root Fly Nematodes

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Carrot root fly nematodes provide a defence against carrot root fly infestations by targeting and killing the eggs and larvae of this pest. These beneficial nematodes disrupt the life cycle of the carrot root fly, preventing damage to carrot roots caused by larvae feeding.

How do you know if you have carrot fly?

You'll find rusty brown scars that form around the tap roots of your carrots and other vegetables, making them inedible and prone to rotting. Also, cutting through the roots reveals tunnels often occupied by long creamy-yellow maggots.

How does Carrot rootfly damage plants?

Carrot rootfly damages plants by laying eggs near the base of plants like carrots and parsnips. The larvae burrow into the roots, creating tunnels and feeding on them, which leads to stunted growth, wilting, and reduced crop quality. The damage also makes roots prone to secondary infections, causing further decay.

How do I identify Carrot rootfly pest?

Carrot rootfly adults are small, black, shiny flies with orange legs and clear wings. The larvae are cream-colored maggots found burrowing into roots, creating dark tunnels. Infested plants show yellowing or wilting leaves, and roots may rot due to secondary infections.

Best Time to Apply Carrot Root Fly Nematodes

For optimal protection, apply carrot root fly nematodes during the carrot root fly’s active periods: from April to June and August to October. Ensure the soil temperature is at least 10°C for effective nematode activity and pest control.

How to Store and Apply Carrot Root Fly Nematodes

Storage: Immediately store the nematodes in the refrigerator or at temperatures below 5°C upon delivery. Use them before the expiry date indicated on the package to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Application: Water the nematodes into the soil within 30 minutes of application to wash them off the leaves and into the soil where they can act against the pests. Maintain moist soil conditions for optimal results and effective pest control. For ease of use, we recommend using the nematode applicator.

For help controlling carrot fly use Veggiemesh insect netting

Frequently asked questions about carrot fly


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